
  • Everyday,  Uncategorized

    Happy Valentines Day

    Happy Valentine’s day everybody! I hope that everyone had a good day. Mine has been a bit up and down. My Mum and I took her dogs to the vets today, and it’s the first times I’ve been since Frodo passed away. It was harder then expected. Sitting looking at the table where Frodo died. I ended up coming home after and crying myself to a nap. When I awoke, it was to these gorgeous flowers! Nope, not from my man, but thanks to Nuffnang and freshflowers! These flowers are simply stunning! They arrived in a huge box, tied in a ribbon,  which was nearly as big as me! After looking at the…

  • Fashion,  Uncategorized

    Lust List – Lala Belle

    Just a quick Lust List, I’m still feeling under the weather and spending more time laying around watching Chuck, then on the computer. Anyway, ever since I’ve seen these pictures from Aussie label Lala Belle, i’ve been in love. A high end luxurious Australian brand, I could never afford the above outfits, but damn are they wonderful! Leather Cropped Jacket – $869.00 | Neonprene Crocodile Skirt – $329.00 Metallic Tee – $90.00 | Stretch Leather Pants – $749.00

  • Personal,  Uncategorized

    Yet another funk.

    I’m in a funk. Again. Not a good kind of funk either. The after holiday blues. Please tell me i’m not the only one who gets sad after a holiday? It also seems I lost any luck I had on the way home from the airport. It’s lots of little things. Misplacing my keycard. Slipping over at the shops, actually, I can’t even list the amount of silly ways I’ve hurt myself. From slamming my hand down on the corner of a chair, to having a giant slab of ice fly off from my freezer and hit me in the face. The little things build up, and they get to…

  • Uncategorized

    Welcome to the new XL as Life!

    I had made previous mentions that Extra Large as Life was getting some work done behind the scenes, and now finally, I can show you the in front of scenes newness! I’d been wanting to update the blog design for a while and figured the start of 2013 would make the perfect time, only, my muse could not figure out a header design, so I commissioned the ever so wonderful Lauren Carney to help out. The frame of the layout is the same, but as you can see the colours have changed slightly, and the text size has been increased. I’m still fiddling around a bit with the sidebar, but I’ve finally…

  • Fashion,  Uncategorized

    Sequined Jacket Love!

    I don’t think i’m ever shy about professing my love of anything that sparkles. Sequins, glitter, jewels, if it’s shiny, i’m going to be drawn towards it. That’s how this sequined bomber jacket ended up in my wardrobe. I picked it up in one of the recent Crossroads sales for $28. It’s not the most comfortable ever, as the whole jacket is cover in sequins, which results in a bit of scraping from the sleeve on to the jacket, but it’s not the kind that will hit against you & scratch your skin. I’ll try and get some better pictures for you when I can. I’m in a bit of…