
  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Shadow Cats

    Heyyy, long time no see. How has everyone been? I’ve been…. surviving. Life is tough. This time of year is hard. But I’m here and wanting to share one of my recent Dangerfield work outfits. Honestly, for up-to-date looks, you should be following me on Instagram. That’s probably my most used platform.  Okay, so when this dress came into work, I knew it would be coming home with me. Cats in a very Van Gogh like style, in a dress cut that is comfy & has pockets. Yep. Mine. My hair was probably at the point it needed a good wash, but that’s nothing some fun hair clips can’t hide!…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Belated Halloween – The End

    A bit late, but here is one of my work outfits for Halloween! As soon as it hits October, I like to pull out the fun spooky makeup! It’s quite amusing to see the reaction of people in-store, but overall, I get a lot of compliments! Halloween is slowly growing in popularity here in Australia. I’m enjoying buying decorations for the house, to keep out all year round of course!  These glitter fishnets are a favourite of mine lately, but I’ve realised that for long work days, I have to wear stockings underneath because otherwise, it’s way too much of a sensory overload for me. Please tell me I’m not…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Barbie time!

    Always late lately. But better late than never, hey? This is what I wore to go and see Barbie at the cinema. I wanted to dress up, but was also not feeling 100% so made an effort on my clothes, but no makeup. That may have been a good idea because, like many others, I did get a bit teary watching the movie. This dress from Little Party Dress has always given me Barbie vibes. I love the print of it so much I have it in two different styles of dresses. I originally styled it differently (below & last image) but realised I didn’t like how it was sitting,…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Tie Dye For!

    Flash back to March! It actually took me a moment to remember where I actually wore this outfit! This was my oooh-taa-dah the day we went to Kelvin Grove Village Market! Upon googling local markets I found good reviews of this one, plus, it is dog friendly! It was Toby’s first day out at a market and gosh did he have a fun day! He loves humans, he loves dogs and he got attention from both! The market itself was great! I wish we’d left a bit earlier cause we didn’t actually get around to see everything before it started shutting down. Lots of fresh food, plant, arts & crafts,…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Emotionally Exhausted

    So the stop at the Three Sisters was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I’d been to visit my niece and great-niece in the morning and dropped Toby off at Dad’s before grabbing a jumper and heading out.  So the outfit is a bit of a mish-mash. I was super comfortable though! Yeah, you only get seated shots. Wasn’t exactly planning on doing an outfit post with these, but still wanted to show off the outfit. I also think it’s good to show off outfits in different positions. I’ve been enjoying following along with #styleseated. This jumper was a gift from my friend Kylie and it’s SO ME! I am emotionally exhausted and…