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    Mallory’s Mariana Trench Queen Carolina Cosplay

    My friend Mallory had been waiting SO long for me to take these photos for her & I finally got around to it a few months ago. We set up in a corner of my place and shot away! The whole set is based on a film clip for Desperate Measures by Marianas Trench. You can view it here. Mallory is portraying ‘Queen Carolina’ in an almost doll-like style. Mallory pieced together the costume herself and DIY a lot of the things. I did her hair and makeup, took the photos and then edited them. I added in the wallpaper after to try and keep in theme with the video. I…

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    Win tickets to Curvy Couture Roadshow!

    I’m so excited to be attending the Curvy Couture Roadshow again this year. I had such a fun time last year. Though I’m still trying to figure out all my outfits! Anyway, I have a double pass to give away to one lucky reader! Simply email me, and tell me which designer you’re most excited to see on the runway. Entries close Thursday at 8pm and I’ll be contacting the winner Friday. It’s THIS weekend in Melbourne!

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    Answer this – Have you ever broken a bone?

     Nope!! Well, it depends on your definition of break. I’ve never had a clean broken bone, i’ve only ever fractured them. I’ve always been super clumsy, and also had a weak ankle. So much so, that growing up I’ve owned 2 pairs of crutches! After having to hire them a few times when I sprained my ankle, my parents ended up just buying a pair. Then as I grew older & taller, they had to do it again with a taller pair. I hated crutches, they were so painful under my arms. I lived in a tri-level house, so I ended up being a pro going up and down stairs…

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    Answer This… Cats or Dogs?

     Ahh, the age old question, cats or dogs? To be honest, it’s hands down DOGS for me! I do however love all animals & currently only own a cat!  If I had my way, I’d have a dog, and hopefully it’s on the cards for this year, but I do love my cat. I got my first dog when I was around 6 and apart from the last year, have always had at least one dog. My first dog was an Aussie Silky called Billy, then there was an Aussie Silky x Maltese named Prince. Frodo was my 3rd dog, and then I got Ginny (who lives with my ex).…

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    Answer this…. (A new weekly feature!)

    I actually really like my name, though there have been times in the past when I have wanted to change it. I was born Natalie Jane and it does hold a bit of a special meaning. Natalie is after my deceased brother Nathan, and Jane was my Mums best friend. I like the way it sounds together. When I was younger (I’m talking like 8 years old) I loved the names Belinda, Melinda, and a name my sister often went by Tiffany. Then in my teenage years, I fell in love with the name of one of my sisters friends, Serica. Around this time, I was given the nickname Natatree…