Fashion,  Outfits

Aussie Curves – Maxi Skirt

aussiecurves-maxi-001I thought i’d have to sit out this weeks Aussie Curves theme, I’m not one for wearing maxi dresses, let alone maxi skirts. I didn’t think I owned a maxi skirt, until Sunday morning whilst laying in bed, I remembered that I had picked one up way back when I was living in Adelaide. I went searching in the deep dark scary place that is the back of my wardrobe, and ta-da!


I never really wore it because I hadn’t quite embraced my ‘VBO‘ yet. Oh, how times have changed. So today, I figured I’d go all out and pair it with a crop top! I actually really love how this outfit turned out! Not to mention it was very cool and comfortable for such a warm day.aussiecurves-maxi-002

I’ve been in a bit of a funk, things just feel weird without Frodo. I finally broke down last night and really cried. I’d been holding it in, I had cried hard last Monday, whilst saying goodbye, and i’ve had a few teary episodes, but last night was full on ugly “where did all this snot come from!?” crying. Tonka has been super clingy and Aussie has just been very somber until I’m around and he just gives me so much love. It’s amazing how animals just know. Thank you everyone for all your kind words.aussiecurves-maxi-004

Crop top – Kmart | Skirt – Best & Less | Belt – ASOS | Earrings – ?? | Shoes – Fiebigeraussiecurves-maxi-005

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