Everyday,  Fashion,  Outfits

Aussie Curves – Headwear


 I found it a little hard deciding what headwear to choose for this weeks Aussie Curves theme. Did I want to wear a wig? Or animals ears? In the end I decided to choose my outfit for the day and then find something that matched.


This dress is amazing! I had to hunt it down in store as when I found it online they only had sizes 24 & 26 in stock. I didn’t even know that Crossroads went up to that size! When in store, they had plenty of smaller sizes, but none of my normal size 22. When I spotted the size 20 I snapped it up and prayed to the fashion Gods on the way to the changing room that’d it’d fit.aussiecurves-headwear-002

I decided to toughen it up a little with a black belt, and my pink Dr Martens! I was sent these to review and I’ll be talking about them more in another post, but I’ve been testing them out and I’m just so in LOVE with the colour of them!


Dress – Crossroads | Belt – From another dress | Headband – I don’t remember | Boots – c/o Banks Fashion

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