• Fashion,  Outfits,  Plus Positivity

    Aussie Curves – Swimwear

    Wowza! It’s only halfway through January and already i’m really pushing through some of my personal body issues. I’ve been on like body love/acceptance journey for years, but I still have some insecurities. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, but you know what, I’m okay with that. This is my first Aussie Curves post for the year, i’ve been really slack with it lately, and I really should have jumped back in last week. I mean, I have over 100 pairs of shoes, I’m sure I could have chosen one pair to showcase! Anyway, this weeks theme is Swimwear, so here you go, my first  adult bikini! Can…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Denim

    First week back for Aussie Curves! YAY! This weeks theme is ‘Denim’. Now, i’m not a huge fan of denim. I’m very picky and I don’t really own much of it. Luckily I snapped up these jeans on sale recently, otherwise I’d have nothing to show off! I’m super fussy when it comes to pants. I’m a bit of an apple shape and I have an ‘apron of fat’, so it’s hard finding pants that are comfy and I feel good in. I nearly sent these ones back, they are a bit tight around my waist, and loose at my knees, but I loved the colour of them so much…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Flashback

    Wow! Can you believe it! It’s been another whole year of Aussie Curves. All up, I participated in 32 challenges, well, 33 including this one. Not bad! It’s interesting to see the progression and I love how AC pushes me to try new things! And in case you missed it, below is the 2012/2013 view of what I wore for that years Aussie Curves challenges!

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Red

    Ahhh, to be back in Sydney and able to steal use my Mother’s good camera. I’m on the lookout for a good camera to buy that won’t break my moving budget, but so I can still post quality images on my blog. My phone just doesn’t cut it. Anyyyywho, Aussie Curves! This weeks theme is RED! I used to own a lot of red, it was one colour I would wear back in my ‘goth’ days. Once I dyed my hair pink a lot of the red left my wardrobe. Luckily, I picked up this skirt a few weeks ago & while they look slightly orange in the pictures, the lips…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Blue

    First up, you need to click on this youtube video and listen to it while you browse this post. Blue matches pretty well with HAIM music apparently! Annnyway, as you can tell, this weeks “Aussie Curves” theme is BLUE! Without meaning to, I seemed to pack a pretty good selection of clothes for the challenges being held whilst i’m in Melbourne. Again, sorry about the crappy images. This is the outfit I wore Sunday night to have dinner at my friends parents house. I don’t often wear maxi skirts, but I’ve been finding them pretty awesome here in Melbourne, as I can layer a pair of thick tights underneath, knee…