
Quick Pics!

First up, I didn’t get my licence. I didn’t even get to sit for it! Boo! Alas, I don’t have my birth certificate! Thing that irked me, was that I could use a NSW Proof of age card, if it was issued 2005 or beyond. Mine was issued in Oct 2004! Just my luck!

New books! YAY! I love getting new books! I picked up the Anne Rice & Colleen Gleason Books at Kmart for a whole $4 each! BARGAIN! I now have 3 out of 4 of the Colleen Gleason books! The Katie MacAlister books I bought from Borders and ended up costing me $9.76 each! I wish all books could be these prices!

Of course, I was taking pictures so the dogs had to pose. A little suprised Frodo joined in as he’s usually camera shy. You can see he is giving his “I am not impressed” look! Ginny, on the other hand LOVES having her picture taken.

This may not look all that appatizing, but by golly was it delicious! I’m not a huge meat eater, but when my In-Laws gave me some Lamb Shanks to cook up, I thought “why not”. I slow cooked it, and served it with Sweet Potato mash! I also covered mine in Mushrooms, one of my favourite foods!