Everyday,  Fashion,  Hair & Beauty,  Outfits

New hair cut & Outfit August


When I got back from Aitutaki around 17 months ago, the sea water stripped my aqua colour hair back to blonde. I decided then to stop bleaching my hair myself, go to a hairdresser and give my hair a little more love. My hair never grew past my shoulders because of the damage and I desperately wanted long hair.

Not long after I went to the hairdressers and got a proper balayage dye & trim, my head started sprouting new baby hair! Since then, I’ve been growing out my hair & boy has it grown! I’ve had it trimmed 3 times in the past year & it’s certainly a LOT more healthier then it used to be.


Funnily enough, once it got long, it started to annoy me. It was a little scraggy at the ends and needed another trim, but I decided to bite the bullet and get it cut up shorter. I decided to go for a long bob (or lob) that is slightly concave. As you can see, I had a fair few inches cut from the back, but haven’t lost too much from the front. I love it! It’s nice to have a change every now and then. I’m going to put a bit of bright colour through it, I just have to decide what colours!

I’ve been going to Equal Image Hair Dressers since I decided to start getting it done properly, and while I’m now on my 3rd hairdresser, they’ve all been wonderful! So if you’re in the Penrith area, check them out!

OUTFIT AUGUST (1) I’m also going to try and participate in ‘Outfit August’ a challenge by Leah. I’m trying to save, so I thought this would be a good incentive to shop my closet & help me with more with my closet cleanout, to see what I actually will still wear.


Jumper – Crossroads | Singlet – Target | Pants – Suzanne Grae | Boots – Betts

Please excuse my one sleeve up, one sleeve down look! I’m on my 2nd lot of antibotics & still a bit ‘out of it’.