• Personal

    Dear Mr Frodo. Four years on.

    Dear Mr Frodo, Today marks 4 years since I last held you in my arms. 4 years since I last petted you, since you licked my tears away. It feels like yesterday, yet it feels like 10 years ago. I miss you so much, but it has become easier. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, but it makes them bearable. The main difference now is Tonky is with you. I don’t really believe in life after death for humans, but for some reason, the thought of you and Tonka being over the rainbow bridge together comforts me. Hopefully, Bayley, Emily, Betsy, Prince, King, Billy and all my other babies (and fur siblings) are…

  • Personal

    When all you want in life is a dog

    Hi my name is Natalie, i’m 28, a Gemini, I love shoes and things that sparkle, cool weather, swimming and all animals. I have a few mental health issues and all I want in life is a dog. I can’t really complain though. While my head makes life and living it hard, I have a roof over my head (I love this house), food, enough money to see a good psych fortnightly, friends, and a super loving and supportive family. I should be golden, but I still feel like something is missing. That missing piece is a dog. I’ve had at least one dog ever since I can remember. All…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    I am….

    Extrememly hard on myself. I really am my own worst enemy. I always think I could be doing more. Being better. Just, more. I need to learn that I always do my best, try my best, and that that is enough. Way too empathetic. I feel so much, and for other people. People I don’t even know. Things I have no control over. The current bushfires have my heart aching. I like to think that fact I care makes me a good person, but it’s draining. A shoe addict. I love shoes, I have way too many shoes, shoes that I don’t even wear. I consider them a bit like…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    I said hey! What’s going on?

    I click open my browser, open my blog, and stare at the blank page, waiting for the words to pour out. Sometimes, they do, but then I leave without pressing publish. Other times, it remains blank. I have so much I want to say, but sometimes I’m scared to say it. I have so much I want to share, but part of me wants to keep it all to myself. I always try and be open on my blog. I only ever want to be myself. It’s hard to put yourself in that position at times though. I open up about my mental health a lot, because I hate the negative stigma that surrounds…

  • Fashion,  Outfits,  Personal

    Outfits and feelings = grey.

    Things have been hard for me at the moment. July is a month full of bad/hard memories. If it wasn’t for the fact that Frodo’s birthday is smack bang right in the middle of the month, i’d consider hibernating. I am way too emotional for my own good. Despite the mourning of a baby 4 years lost, a grandmother 3 years gone, the death of friendships & loves, life goes on. Which means, well, I have to get up and do stuff. I’ve not been in the mood to go outside, set everything up and take outfit photos, but i’ve been snapping them on my phone and posting them to…