Fashion,  Outfits,  Personal

Outfits and feelings = grey.

Things have been hard for me at the moment. July is a month full of bad/hard memories. If it wasn’t for the fact that Frodo’s birthday is smack bang right in the middle of the month, i’d consider hibernating. I am way too emotional for my own good.


Despite the mourning of a baby 4 years lost, a grandmother 3 years gone, the death of friendships & loves, life goes on. Which means, well, I have to get up and do stuff. I’ve not been in the mood to go outside, set everything up and take outfit photos, but i’ve been snapping them on my phone and posting them to my Instagram. This one is from today that people seemed to like, so I thought that I would share it.


This was my outfit from today. I love these ASOS dresses so much. I have it in the shorter sleeve in pink, and then when the sales came on, I picked up this one and a shorter sleeved red one. Can you spot Frodo & Tonka in the above picture?

Dress – ASOS | Belt – City Chic | Socks – Sock Dreams | Boots – Betts

This month also marks a year since my parents bought the ‘new’ place. As you can see, “The Darling Den” is far from being finished, but kitchen reno’s start tomorrow! YAY!

Now, I need to try and think positive, keep on going, push through things, stop being so untrusting. I need to do a course on ‘hardening up’, but I’ve always been a delicate soul, I just wish the world was a nicer place to the nice people. You feel me!?