Event,  Everyday

Sydney Royal Easter Show!

Yesterday, my Mum, nephew & I ventured off to the Sydney Royal Easter Show. As I’ve been living in Adelaide, I’ve not had the chance to go for around 3 years, so I was super excited to go. The show isn’t as spectacular as I remember it being as a kid, but getting to share it with Caleb more then made up for it!

Oh, and please excuse my crazy crappy hair in these photos!

One of the fun things at the show, is of course the food! I am a firm believe that Chocolate and fruit should NEVER be mixed, I abhor choc orange. I did however, like the sound of white chocolate covered banana. I think I should now be more specific, I don’t believe dark or milk chocolate should be mixed with fruit. White Chocolate + banana = HEAVEN!

Ask me 5 years ago if I’d ever allow a photo of me eating to appear online & I would have said a big “hell no”. Now days, eh. I’m human, I eat. My Mum got a little snap happy with the camera whilst I was eating!

My nephew and I!

Caleb won this huge Angry Bird toy on the first game he played!

Caleb on one of the rides.

Waiting for Caleb. It was a rather huge day/night for me. I only went on a couple of rides, because of the restrictions due to my back/foot injuries. I came home and slept 11 hours straight!

The Techno Jump is my favourite ride, so of course I had to go on it!

Caleb had never been to the Easter Show of a night, so we decided to leave going to the show to the afternoon. He was in awe, he prompted to tell us at the end of the night he had ‘the best day ever’

My Mum & Caleb, with fireworks in the background. Caleb and I lucked out and were on the ferris wheel when the fire works started! I took a video of them that i’ll try to upload later.

Caleb will kill me when if he realised I put this photo online! But I couldn’t resist, look at his face! The guy in front of us was petrified, he kept saying “oh my god, oh my god, were going to die”. Anyway, if you want to check out some more photos from the night, I’ve uploaded them to my Flickr HERE.