• Event,  Everyday

    Sydney Royal Easter Show!

    Yesterday, my Mum, nephew & I ventured off to the Sydney Royal Easter Show. As I’ve been living in Adelaide, I’ve not had the chance to go for around 3 years, so I was super excited to go. The show isn’t as spectacular as I remember it being as a kid, but getting to share it with Caleb more then made up for it! Oh, and please excuse my crazy crappy hair in these photos! One of the fun things at the show, is of course the food! I am a firm believe that Chocolate and fruit should NEVER be mixed, I abhor choc orange. I did however, like the…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Birthday & Christmas Lunch!

    December 18th marked my Mothers birthday, so to celebrate we invited the family out to lunch as a Birthday/ Early Christmas celebration. Last year I held Christmas at my place in Adelaide, so seeing as I’m back here, we are just taking it easy on Christmas day. We went to Blacktown Workers club, they have a nice all you can eat buffet. My niece Sharntelle and I. It was good getting to catch up with my family, I hadn’t seen my Uncle since my Grandmother funeral 18 months ago. We have a pretty crazy to explain family in terms of family tree, so you may get a little lost at…