Everyday,  Fashion

Nicole Fendel Jewellery Giveaway!

Wanna win some amazing Nicole Fendel Jewellery? I know you do! As I posted last week HERE, Nicole Fendel is celebrating with a Birthday Sale! If you’re in Victoria, make sure you go and check it out for some amazing discounts. Not in Victoria, or even Australia, no worries, I was lucky enough to be gifted these pretties to give away here on my blog.

What you win.

  • Long chained necklace reading “Happiness is like a butterfly the more you chase it the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come sit softly on your shoulder’.
  • Silver and blue cuff reading “She loves life and it loves her back

One thing I love about this jewellery is that it will fit all sized wrists and necks. The long length of the chain on the necklace drapes down and hits, well, between my boobs. The bracelet, while sturdy, is slightly bendable meaning you can shape it larger if needed, with the ties securing with a pulley system.


Don’t forget to check out Nicole Fendel on Facebook and Twitter!

Items were gifted to me to use for this giveaway. Giveaway is open internationally. This is a game of skill. Competition closes Friday, August 3rd 2012 at 8pm AEST.