
The Darling Den – Better pictures of it all!

On Saturday, we went back to our new house to get some measurements and so my sister could see first hand the area that we will be working with. My sister and I have a fair amount in common and one of those our huge love of interior designs (We both wish we could do a course in it!). While I was there, I took some pictures of all of my area, and thought i’d show them here as they show off my area better.
Above is the door that leads into my parents section of the house.

My area has it’s own double sliding doors that lead out to the carport, giving me my own personal entry & exit. This is my lounge room. For those who need a reminder, HERE is the quick floor plan I drew up when I first saw the place.

My kitchenette area, we shall be moving this around to come out from the other wall, as I have a full fridge and not a bar fridge. Lounge room and kitchenette.

Kitchenette from another view.
I’m going to put the rest of the pictures under a cut, just so it doesn’t bulk up the front page or kill anyone who has a slow internet connection. Click on the ‘read more’ for pictures of the bedroom, walk in robe and bathroom!

The kitchenette has a sink, which you can kind of see peeking out from behind the wall. I’d love to wallpaper that teeny area you can see behind the stove. I’m in love with THESE two different designs. One from Paperboy, the other from Osborne and Little. Oh, and Graham & Brown have an AMAZING Marie Antoinette one!

Lounge room with the doorway leading into my bedroom.

The bedroom, which I already have mapped out as to how I want it, which you can see HERE.

Looking back from the end of the bed area. Door on the left leads to my wardrobe and bathroom. The door on the right leads to the lounge room.

Walk through wardrobes and bathroom. One side of the wardrobe is mirrors, the other is a plain cream colour.

Bathroom. Ideally, I’d love to save money and get this converted to a bath, or even a spa. I’m much more of a bath person. The shower is HUGE though, I think something like THIS square bath could fit.

Bathroom mirror has hollywood lights!

Looking out from the bathroom, through the walk in robes, back into the bedroom.

 So, this will be my new place! Super excited. Hope these pictures help give you a better idea of what it looks like BEFORE the make over!