
Nicole Fendel Birthday Sale!

I love the necklace I own by Aussie jewellery designer Nicole Fendel. The design is simplistic enough that it goes with everything, but also holds more meaning as it’s engraved with a saying that reminds me ‘Never live in the past, but always learn from it’. I was contacted recently and asked to shared the news to my readers about a huge birthday sale they are holding this weekend. YES. Amazing jewellery ON SALE, of course I’d love to share that.

This Saturday, and next Saturday (July 21st & 28th, 2012) in Victoria, AUSTRALIA, last seasons stock will be 50% off, not to mention some heavily discounted one offs. Make sure you add them on facebook to get all the updates!

Never fear, if you aren’t in Victoria, like me, you can still pick up some items in the sale section of the site, and for a special Birthday treat, any order over $100 receives a pair of petal earrings!

Oh, and keep an eye on this blog in the next few weeks for your chance to win your own piece of Nicole Fendel Jewellery! 

Disclosure: I was gifted 2 items, one for myself and one for a future giveaway for this post.