
Fashion for fractured feet!

If you follow me on facebook or twitter you’ve probably already seen the photo and my moaning on about it, but I’m going to share it here anyway! The appointment at the specialist today was, I guess pretty good. I didn’t walk in to have him say “Oh my god, that’s horrid, rush her surgery right away”, which, I knew wouldn’t happen, but I was scared of anyway. I’ve been sentenced to 6 weeks in this snazzy boot. It’s rather awkward, but pretty comfortable, I just need to find a pair of shoes that will bring my un-injured foot up to the same level. I’m thinking some flatforms. If the boot doesn’t help, then I may need surgery, but good golly IT IS GOING TO WORK!

I’m thinking it needs a little ‘blinging up’. I’m tempted to bring out the craft glitter and crystals! If I spent so much on it, and am stuck with it for 6 weeks, I may as well make it pretty!? It shall be interesting to see what outfits I come up with in the mean time, so bear with me!

And if you’re intrested, the tunic is one I bought in Farmers whilst in New Zealand by Wild Child, Leggings are from Crossroads, Belt is from ASOS Curve, and my shoes are UNIF Hellraisers from Solestruck.