
OOTD – Hearts!

I have no doubt that i’m often influenced by 80’s music fashion. Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Boy George, Billy Idol, Adam Ant. I’m not sure what it is about it, but I just love it. Some people think back to the 80’s and shudder, and while I never dress “full 80’s”, I often take inspiration. This outfit is one of those times.

I fell in love with this City Chic dress when it came out last year (I think it was last year, yes?) I could just never afford it. That was until I stumbled across it a week or so ago on ebay for $50! I couldn’t pass it up a second time around, so promptly snapped it up. It fits like a dream. One thing i’m still learning to love about myself is my arms, I usually prefer to keep them covered but I didn’t want to bulk up the outfit too much. This bolero is perfect, it’s somewhat sheer and THE perfect shade of pink!

  • DRESSCity Chic via Ebay
  • BOLERO – City Chic
  • BELT – From a City Chic skirt
  • SHOES – Rubi Shoes
  • BRACELET – c/o Toxic Injection

Please excuse the dodgy 3-minute photoshops! Tomorrow I go and see the specialist about my foot, i’m rather anxious. Wish me luck.