• Everyday,  Personal

    Dreaming of The Hobbit premiere.

    I’m sitting here WISHING I could win the lottery, or some amazing competition, that would send me to Wellington for the World Premiere of The Hobbit. You see, I am a huge Tolkien fan. HUGE. I have the world of Middle Earth to thank for my introduction to fandom, and to Conventions. I started reading The Hobbit in Year 5, yes, when I was around 11. It was in class, and we would read the chapters and have tasks, I remember having to draw our interpretation of the Dwarves walking up the Lonely Mountain. It wouldn’t be until a few years later, when I sat in a movie cinema to watch this…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    A Love letter to New Zealand.

    Waiting to board my flight home to Australia. When I was growing up, one of my best friends was an older male. Most people would see him as an older brother figure and to a degree he was, but really, he was my best friend. He was from New Zealand and for many years he was what I’d think of when I thought of New Zealand. It was with him that I sat in the cinema falling in love with the landscape of J.R.R Tolkiens Middle Earth come to life, it was then, I fell in love with New Zealand. Me, in around 2005. Being a hobbit/wizard at the LoTR exhibition in Sydney.…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Life Musings.

    First of all, sorry that the blog went down over the weekend. Of course it had to go down on the weekend I was away from my computer and had VERY limited net access. Oh well, all that matters is that it’s back up, and running better then ever, thanks to Sucuri! Sharing on my blog is sometimes difficult. I always try to be open, I talk about things that effect my life, my mental illness, some of the day to day dribbles, my love of animals, of fashion, of accepting myself. Truth is, i’m very much a shy and insecure person. I find it hard opening up to people, even…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    The year in review!

    JANUARY – The New Year was spent with my parents staying at my place in Adelaide, they came for Christmas. I really enjoyed having my parents stay, see my house, meet Henry. It was a really happy time for me. FEBRUARY – I learnt even more about cats and fell even more in love with Henry. He was always doing something new and adorable. I also held the first giveaway of the year thanks to Megs Ragged Edge. MARCH – My nephew Caleb visited, so Adam and I took him to the Zoo & the beach to try and keep him occupied. I realised it’s not easy looking after a…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Paradise Valley Springs – Wildlife Park

    On the weekend I managed to get out and do a few touristy things. Visit the beach, the local dump (long story, but it was super fun), hot pools and Paradise Valley Springs, a Wildlife Park in Rotorua. Paradise Valley Springs is a mix of things. It has displays for a few New Zealand animals, a farm walk, and a range of NZ birds. The Ngongotaha Stream also runs through the park, which is a major Trout spawning stream. Totally awesome to see! The grounds also has it’s own natural freshwater spring, Te Waireka (meaning Sweet Water). All surrounded by nature, a tree top walk and lots of signage to indicate what…