• Personal

    Blogging Renaissance

    After reading this post on Facebook by Very Excellent Habits about how she and Christina of Hair Romance missed blogging, I was inspired. Seriously, go read the post! I’ll wait. It got me thinking, and reminiscing. I’ve been around this here internet for a long time now. I’ve seen blogging rise and fall in popularity, watched micro-blogging become a thing, and videos become the next big craze. Gosh, it does kinda make me feel old.  I started sharing my life on the internet on Livejournal in 2001. I moved over to WordPress and opened Extra Large as Life in 2009 and rebranded to Natatree in 2017. That means, wow, 22…

  • Event,  Everyday

    The Blogcademy

    I’ve been blogging in one form or another for a loooong time, i’m talking around 12 years now. One of the first blogs I remember reading was Gala’s, she had colourful hair and such an optimistic outlook that I couldn’t help but wish I had. Soon after, I started reading Nubby Twiglet. Shauna had such an amazing design aesthetic that stretched across into her wardrobe & home. She was a girl after my own heart. I don’t remember when I first read Rock n Roll bride, but I remember clicking back through pages and pages of articles looking at all the amazing and eclectic weddings. When these ladies joined forces and…

  • Uncategorized

    Welcome to the new XL as Life!

    I had made previous mentions that Extra Large as Life was getting some work done behind the scenes, and now finally, I can show you the in front of scenes newness! I’d been wanting to update the blog design for a while and figured the start of 2013 would make the perfect time, only, my muse could not figure out a header design, so I commissioned the ever so wonderful Lauren Carney to help out. The frame of the layout is the same, but as you can see the colours have changed slightly, and the text size has been increased. I’m still fiddling around a bit with the sidebar, but I’ve finally…