• Everyday,  Personal

    Happy 10th Birthday Mr Frodo!

    Today, 10 years ago, a little bundle of joy was born into this world and a few weeks later, I’d fall madly in love and soon be a parent. I find it hard to put into words, how much I love Frodo, how much I feel for him, and I think the only way is to say, that I feel very much like a Mother would for their child. Frodo IS my baby. I look at him at times and my heart swells. I was 16 when Frodo came into my life, I walked past a pet store and BAM! It was like instant recognition, that dog is MY dog.…

  • Everyday

    And another birthday!

    Yes, a lot of my loved ones have birthdays in December, the most recent was my niece Sharntelle, who celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday. My sister picked me up early, as she decided we’d make Sharn a profiterole cake for her birthday. I’ve never made profiteroles, but by golly home made ones are YUMMY! I was on hand to help out. We did 3 batches of profiteroles, then filled them with home made custard. We covered them in milk chocolate, white chocolate and white chocolate with food colouring to make a pinky-purple colour. Then sprinkles and silver balls. We were originally trying to stack them to make a tall cake, but it wasn’t working too well,…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Birthday & Christmas Lunch!

    December 18th marked my Mothers birthday, so to celebrate we invited the family out to lunch as a Birthday/ Early Christmas celebration. Last year I held Christmas at my place in Adelaide, so seeing as I’m back here, we are just taking it easy on Christmas day. We went to Blacktown Workers club, they have a nice all you can eat buffet. My niece Sharntelle and I. It was good getting to catch up with my family, I hadn’t seen my Uncle since my Grandmother funeral 18 months ago. We have a pretty crazy to explain family in terms of family tree, so you may get a little lost at…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Happy Birthday Mister Frodo!

    Today is my little man’s 9th Birthday! It seems only yesterday I feel in love with this little boy in a local pet store. I wasn’t looking for a dog, but I noticed him & my heart exploded. That’s how it’s happened with my animals, but Frodo, oh he is my baby. Frodo has helped me get through some of the hardest times of my life, and it’s killing me not to have him next to me during this current situation. I just keep telling myself, it’s not too much longer. This is also the first birthday of his that I will have missed. I really do consider him my…

  • Everyday

    Birthday Haul!

    So, last week was my birthday & I sure got spoilt! I’m so happy with my gifts! I had such a good week, hanging out with my friend Lou (who flew down from Sydney), as well as Jess. I spent my birthday having lunch with my Mother in law & Sisters in laws. Then fridge shopping, as our freezer died! Sooo in love with these skirts by Prototype Design! I’m so in love with miu miu inspired print, I had to get it in both the black & blue! They are from Adam. Generally I have to do the birthday shopping & he will pay. I was surprised actually, that…