
And another birthday!

Yes, a lot of my loved ones have birthdays in December, the most recent was my niece Sharntelle, who celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday.

My sister picked me up early, as she decided we’d make Sharn a profiterole cake for her birthday. I’ve never made profiteroles, but by golly home made ones are YUMMY! I was on hand to help out. We did 3 batches of profiteroles, then filled them with home made custard.

We covered them in milk chocolate, white chocolate and white chocolate with food colouring to make a pinky-purple colour. Then sprinkles and silver balls. We were originally trying to stack them to make a tall cake, but it wasn’t working too well, so we decided to make a smaller pyramid.

The finished product, which tasted soooo good. It took us about 4 hours to make.

I loooove my sisters cooking! We had roast lamb for dinner, so good. Caleb showing off his yellow belt and karate medal, and the birthday girl getting hugs off of Charlie.

My sisters cat Bella being a sticky beak! She’s such a gorgeous cat, though she thinks rather highly of herself, but I’ve heard that is quite common in Ragdolls.

Yeah, I took a great deal of photos of the animals, what can I say, I love animals.

The cake with the number ’19’ sparklers.

I didn’t have a chance to get some OOTD photos, but got my nephew to take this quick pic of what I was wearing. I’ve been wearing this skirt so much, I LOVE it, but I’ve not had the chance to get any photos in it.