Fashion,  Outfits

Outfit – Ruler of all the Ocean.


 To be honest, I’m not a huge Disney fan. Shock, Horror, I know. I am however drawn to certain stories, or characters. One of them, being Ursula. Sure, she’s not the nicest character, but she’s a flamboyant, lilac skinned fat chick, which always appealed to me. While, I didn’t relate to her personality (apart from her love of Flotsam & Jetsam), I could relate to her looks.


The colours and pattern on the Villains leggings is nothing short of amazing! I kind of want the Princess and Sleeping Beauty leggings now, just because of the beautiful vibrant colours. I was lucky because I scooped these pair up on a Buy/Swap/Sell group for $50!


Why yes, I do have newly coloured hair! I’m super proud of it because I did it all myself! The most colours I’ve used before is 3, but there are actually 6 colours in this. Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Aqua and Pink. The green I had had turned a funky colour, so I didn’t use it, and I didn’t have any purple. It turned out better then I expected.


This tunic I picked up from Katies ages ago gets worn a lot with my leggings. It’s a great length and the navy colour tends to go with so much. I think this may be the only think in navy I own. One of the things I love about this jacket is the pockets, and no, not the fact it has pockets, but the fact that inside the pockets, Flotsam and Jetsam are hiding. SEE! Such a fun detail!



Jacket – Black Milk Clothing (XL) | Tunic – Katies (XXL) | Leggings – Black Milk Clothing (XL)
Boots – Dr Martens c/o Banks Fashion | Hair Bow – Little Bow Peep

blackmilk-ursula-008Who is your favourite Disney character?