Event,  Everyday,  Personal

Easter Show!


For those who don’t know, every year, Sydney holds the ‘Royal Easter Show‘. I usually try and go every few years. The last time I went was 2 years ago with my Mum & Nephew, we went of an afternoon/night and had fun with all the rides. You can see the post here. This year, I realised i’ve grown old, as all I wanted to do was walk around alllll the pavilions and look at the animals!


It really is HUGE, I only probably went around 65% of it and I was there around 5 hours. Luckily the weather was nice and it only drizzled for a small amount of time.


As a huge animal lover, I love going around and seeing allll the animals. I missed out on the cattle, horses and cats, but got to see all the others. I learnt that trying to take a selfie with a goat was hard, and looked very silly, I got a few comments whilst doing it!



I never knew turkeys were so ugly! I don’t mean to be insult turkeys, but they are not the prettiest animals around!


I took a video of this feeding frenzy, which you can see here!


 This year I was super excited because they had a dinosaur exhibit! SOOOO COOL!



Of course, it wouldn’t be the Easter Show without a dagwood dog! I swear they tasted better when I was younger.




I desperately fell in love with the Mad Hatter porcelain doll and the Yoda cake was awesome, I wouldn’t want to eat it!


 And of course, the dogs! I was secretly hoping that the dog I want to purchase in the future would be there on that day, but they aren’t showing until the 16th. I did go a little gaga over the Afghans, Deer Hounds and Foxhounds.


I love dogs, and i’ve spent a whole lot of time reading about different breeds, yet I’d never heard of a Deerhound before. I had heard of a Elk hound though. They are HUGE and sooo gorgeous. I’m not usually one for wirey haired dogs, but I think i’d make an exception for these guys. The Afghan on the right made me want to photoshop her into a car with some large glasses! It amused me how they had their ears tied up as to not mess them up for their showings.


So pretttty!



And my actual lunch on the day! This was a pulled pork and coleslaw pizza sandwich. It was delicious! I was really happy this year that there was so much variety in the food. Usually there was junk, junk and more junk, but this year there was a lot of healthy sandwhich, rolls and wraps as options. Though super expensive!

Does where you live have any kind of show/festival during the year?