Everyday,  Personal

Caturday – Tonka Time


It’s been awhile since I shared some love of my fur babies here. I’m still missing Mr Frodo terribly, I had moments where I will break down and cry just from the heart break, but I also know thats not what he would have wanted. Tonka fretted for a while, went off his food, was very lost, but he’s back to his old self again now.


He loves going and playing with my parents dogs though. I’m sure he thinks of himself as a dog. He used to have a toy foam red nose that he LOVED, that was until Aussie tore it up. I went on ebay and bought him a few new ones & he’s been SO happy. He walks around with them in his mouth, and will drop them in front of you so you can throw it for him. Yep, he plays fetch.



How are your fur babies!?