
OOTD – Plus size marvel comic print tee and bright pants

I hope I haven’t shocked you too much over the fact that i’m wearing pants. It doesn’t happen very often, so don’t get used to it! This shirt arrived in the mail from the ever lovely Jess of Too Many Sequins and I was determined to wear it. My main problem was how? It didn’t really sit right with any of the skirts I wear, so I remembered I had picked these pants up at the end of last year! I think they go brilliantly with the comic print on the front.

I’m in love with my current nails. So in love! These Kiss ‘nail dresses’ came in the last ‘Bellabox’ and I decided to give them a go for #nnb2012. I managed to apply them in around 10 minutes (whilst watching Hit & Miss). It has now been just over 4 days and they are still in perfect condition. I am impressed! (For those in Australia, I’ve seen these in Big W! for around $15)

With such a brilliant tee, I kind of wanted a superhero vibe, so I added my ‘tails’ top from The Carpenters Daughter. My jacket over the top also has tails, it made me feel as if I was a secret superhero that wasn’t so good at hiding her cape. Yeah, I know, I’m weird.

Sometimes I miss being able to wear heels, but then I remember I do have an amazing collection of flats. My foot has been aching due to the cold, which is never fun.

  • TOP – Gift from Jess – From Forever21+
  • TAILS TUNIC – c/o The Carpenters Daughter
  • JACKET – City Chic
  • PANTS –  BE ME (In Rockmans)
  • SHOES – Store in New Zealand
  • BANGLES – Lou & Chow
  • RING – c/o Lou & Chow

I have to admit, i’ve become quite obsessed with Lou and Chow. I snapped these bangles up as soon as I noticed them on the site. Kate was lovely enough to throw in a free ring for me to try as she’s branching out into wire wrapped rings (try saying that fast 5 times in a row!). I always get compliments whenever I wear anything from Lou & Chow, i’m thinking i’m going to have to carry around business cards when I wear them!