Everyday,  Fashion

In love with Little Sister Designs

This was originally going to be an OOTD post, but with the way the wind was blowing I didn’t want to risk my (Mothers) camera falling off the makeshift tripod I use. So instead, you get to see my face only, showing off these earrings which I may just be in love with!

I talked about my love of L.S.D nearly a year ago now (HERE) and designer Charlotte Burkharts designs have only grown more elaborate and amazing. Working with the likes of teeth, hair and bones, some of the work tends to lean towards the macabre, but I think that’s what draws me to it. I’ve always found beauty in difference, and Charlotte’s work is very individual.

I was kindly sent a pair of the pink neon talon earrings, which are also available in neon green, neon yellow, lilac, silver & brass. It was love at first sight for me, and i’m sure you’ll be seeing more of them in the future. My mother was rather fascinated with them.

Make sure you check out all of the amazing jewellery up at Little Sister Designs. You can also ‘like’ L.S.D on Facebook!