
Just a few Quick Pics

I’m an emotional baker. When i’m upset, I tend to bake. When my Grandmother was alive, she used to love it, she had a real sweet tooth. I had to stop myself at one batch of cupcakes today. I’m home alone and I won’t be able to eat all these by myself. I decided against icing too. I was originally going to make pink vanilla icing, but I’ve never been a big fan of icing.

My parents dog Emily has been sick, a fair few vet visits, needles, x-rays. She’s doing a lot better now. | Frodo has been sooky at times, he decided the other day he had to lay across my neck, he used to do that when he was a puppy. He turns 10 this year! | He has been enjoying sleeping on my lounge a lot lately though, especially now that it’s cleared off of all my crap. | Fish face! | I’ve been playing Draw Something, I’ve realised I’m a pretty crappy drawer  & I need to get a stylus for my iPad | I’ve been doing a fair amount of crying the past few days. I have this weird love of trying to photograph tears. There is just something about a person crying.

Cheer up emo Fro. Yeah, I hate the floor of my room. I scrubbed it the other day, it was not a joyous occasion.

I’ve been spending a lot of time at Doctor surgeries / Medical Imaging places. My shoes got a lot of comments this day when i was in to have my 2nd CT scan (& 3rd Xray!)

I’ve also been missing Henry & Ginny like crazy. I just get so overwhelmed with how much I miss them sometimes that I just have to curl up and cry. Leaving them, leaving Henry, was one of the hardest things i’ve ever had to do. I miss them so much. So so so so much.