
Aussie Curves – Celebrity Copycat

I was having trouble with this weeks theme. Celebrity Copycat. I don’t know, there are a few celebrities I find inspiring, but no one that I think I could do justice trying to copy. So, I sat down in front of what’s left of my wardrobe & tried to piece together something that would remind me of a celebrity. Probably a very backwards process.

At first I was thinking Lady Gaga, that was until my eyes landed on my petticoat. That’s when it hit, I could totally pull together a Cyndi Lauper copycat outfit together! I’m a big fan of 80’s music, and as you can see from the photos, I had some fun dressing up!

BUSTIER: I don’t remember. | PINK TOP: City Chic | COSMIC TOP: Paper Heart | PETTICOAT: Domino Dollhouse
BELT: Torrid | STOCKINGS: From Caitlin | NECKLACE: ASOS | BANGLES: Lou and Chow | BOOTS: Rubi Shoes