
OOTD – Dinner!

We had planned ages ago to go out to dinner on the Saturday night of the Easter Weekend. Seeing as I’ve not been out of bed, let alone out of the house, I was really looking forward to it! I now realise it’s probably not the wisest decision as I’m in a lot of pain again, but I was only out for under 3 hours & sitting down 95% of the time. To say I’m going a little crazy having to stay in bed is an understatement!

ADAM – “You look a little awkward
ME – “That is because i’m trying to stand up straight

  • TOP – City Chic
  • SKIRT – City Chic
  • JACKET – City Chic
  • TIGHTS– Woolworths
  • SHOES – Rubi Shoes
  • NECKLACE – I’ve had it forever

I really love the back of this jacket, the tales is so so so cute!

I was wanting to change my nail polish & after seeing a recent post on Lady Melbourne I dug through my nail polish & found this beauty. I can’t help by smile whenever I catch sight of my bright orange nails!