Fashion,  Outfits

Frocktober – OotD – Halloween!!

I love this dress, but as you can probably tell, I don’t really have the chance to wear it. In fact, since I bought it around 3 years ago, this is only the 2nd time i’ve worn it!

This dress was bought for a “Wild West Saloon” dress up party I was flying to Brisbane to attend. I bought it off of ebay, and it was custim made to my size. Alas, I can no longer find the seller. It ended up costing around $160 all up, including postage from the US!

Halloween isn’t an Australian tradition. It’s slowly gaining followers, more to the fact that people want to dress up tarty and party. I’ve never been to a Halloween party, nor have I ever trick-or-treated!

This conclused Frocktober! I hope everyone enjoyed & thank you to all who have donated!!