Fashion,  Outfits,  Personal

Frocktober – Oldest Dress – OOTD

Waa! I’m sick! I’m such a sook when I am sick, but I battled on for Frocktober! Last Frocktober entry was about my newest dress, so I thought it only fair to show you my oldest dress!

This dress, was one of 2 I picked for my year 6 farewell in 1997. I was 11. I no longer have the top, I actually only gave it to charity at the start of this year, as I never wore it again!

As you can see, i’ve always have a preference for coloured hair!

My Dad and I!

Now, this dress still fits. Though, it’s a little tighter, and a little shorter! I still wear it as a base of outfits sometimes!

  • DRESS – Don’t know, as the tags have been cut off!!
  • LEGGINGS – Autograph
    BELT – City Chic
  • SHOES – Rubi Shoes
  • EARRINGS – Gift from Rissa & Rand

This month is Frocktober on Extra Large as Life, basically, it’s a month dedicated to frocks, to raise awareness & funds for Ovarian Cancer Research. For more info on Frocktober & how to sponsor me, please visit THIS ENTRY.