
Australian Clothing Spotlight – Dream Diva

Just the other day I was complaining about the lack of Australian plus size stores that carry amazing clothing. Whilst searching to rectify this, I stumbled across Dream Diva! Dream Diva is a team of like minded people. On the sight they say “As far as we are concerned a fashion garment bought by a girl who wears a size 24 is no different to one bought by a girl who wears a size 10.They both have the same desires and aspirations …they just wear different size clothes.” I couldn’t agree more!

Above is just a taste of some of the amazing articles of clothing they have. The clothing comes in sizes 14 to 24 and they ship to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA & the UK. If your in Australia, they have an actual store you can visit in Victoria.

I’ve never purchased an item from the site, so I can’t vouch for quality or delivery. Hopefully I can save some cents and purchase something to review in the future. If anyone makes a purchase, make sure to leave a comment with what your opinion is!

So go! Check out Dream Diva for yourself! WEBSITE – TWITTERFACEBOOK