• Fashion,  Lustlist

    Weekly Wishlist!

    ASOS Curve – 17 Sundays @ The Iconic – Tatty Devine – Rusty @ The Iconic – TS14+ – i’ve been told to pack LOTS of swimmers! I only own one pair! Dorothy Perkins – Swan Print Dress  – I’ve been eyeing this since it came on the site, it’s now on sale! Guh!

  • Outfits

    OOTD – Neon!

    This morning I managed to sleep through 2 alarms and 2 missed calls from my sister, when my Dad decided to see if I was still alive, I was running a little behind for my psych appointment. Whoops. I didn’t have much time to put an outfit together and honestly, I just wanted something comfortable and I knew I wanted to wear my new sneakers. I don’t know where my new love of autumn colours has come from, but i’m loving yellows, oranges & yes, even gold! I’ve steared clear of buying any gold items as I am kind of hoping it’s just a passing fad, but the combo of…

  • Event,  Fashion,  Outfits

    MBFWA: Day 4 Outfit!

    Day 4 was my 2nd day at MBFWA. I wanted to keep my outfit comfortable, but still fashionable and well ‘me’. So, of course I went for my trusty black with pops of colour combo. I was considering wearing my Day 5 outfit on Day 4, but I’m glad I didn’t. I actually was carrying around my outfit for the next day in my bag as I was staying at Caitlins house that night! By far the comfiest shoes I own right now, well, comfortable for me to wear! I just have to remember to be careful when I take them off! These are aptly named ‘Hellraisers’ and one of…

  • Fashion

    Winter Warmth

    I’m team cold all the way. I much prefer winter over summer, though I admit, those in between months of cool weather, pretty colours and bright skies are my favourite. Summer is too hot, and while I love swimming, the whole icky sweaty, can’t get cool feeling just isn’t fun. Winter, you layer up your clothing, you snuggle under your doona & drink hot chocolate. I probably wouldn’t cope with some other countries ideas of winter, but Australian winter, I love. I only came across TS14+ at the start of 2011, when I was checking out what the local Myer had to offer in the plus size section. They make…

  • Outfits

    OOTD: Not my normal colours!

    If you had shown me this picture of myself a year or two ago, I wouldn’t have believed my eyes. First point, pants! Not just pants, but jeans. Second point. The colours. You may have noticed, that while i’ve embraced colours lately, they have been pinks, blues, purples. Apart from the yellow I’ve started to love, most of the colours are very pretty feminine, often pastel colours. I don’t like brown, I spent 95% of my school years having to wear it, and most autumn colours just aren’t me. So, it’s really odd that this whole outfit came about. My friend Lou gave me these jeans, there were to big…