• Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    Earrings & Necklace I picked up at the Diva sale! Henry-cat has been playing Frontierville on Facebook! Adam decided last week that he wanted to make a baked cheesecake. He’s been learning to make things & enjoys cooking on the weekends. Neither of us had ever made a cheesecake before, but he needed me on hand to teach him some of the things. The end result = yum! We took it to the in laws & everyone loved it. For our first attempt, I was very proud of it! Webcam shots – The Diva earrings & necklace on & my nails.

  • Everyday

    Sucky at blogging! Plus some quick pics!

    I’m so behind on everything. You know when everything just seems to pile on top of each other & then you don’t know where to start? I’m a little like that. To top it off, i’ve been depressed! Buh! My list of things to do is long. I have design work to do. I have to clean the house & yard ready for Christmas. I have to buy a mattress & set up both guest rooms because my parents are coming to stay for 3 weeks. I have to finish buying Christmas presents, as well as buying food for Christmas, I’m hosting a Christmas lunch for the first time ever.…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    This is what happens when I am home alone and am bored!! I love this shirt, Adam commented that he thinks its ‘old lady’ fabric! My nail colour this week! 2 different polishes, both on sale from Sportsgirl! New earrings! Both sets on sale for $4! I really couldn’t recommend Sportsgirl nail polish more! I caved & bought this sparkly one! The quality of the product is great, one of the best quality polish I own, and it’s only $7.95. I can’t afford to spend $15 per colour, so I’m so happy I found such great polish at that price. The smaller vial is liquid eyeliner, on sale for $2.70!…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics

    Today, Adam & ventured into Adelaide city via O-barn (It’s a bus, that goes on tracks) to celebrate Adam’s work college & friend Keera’s birthday! It was High Tea time at  ‘Swish on Terrace’, Yummy!! Mini sandwiches, scones, tiny waffles, cakes. Sitting at a bus stop, in the middle of nowhere & sitting beside me was a man with… lemmy facial hair. (Cookies if you know what song the start of that sentence is from!) At the bus stop, love this new top, look at the shoulders! The man with ‘the lemmy’, also know as Adam, my boyfriend. He stole my hoodie. That being said, I should state, that it…