
Quick Pics!

This is what happens when I am home alone and am bored!!

I love this shirt, Adam commented that he thinks its ‘old lady’ fabric!

My nail colour this week! 2 different polishes, both on sale from Sportsgirl!

New earrings! Both sets on sale for $4!

I really couldn’t recommend Sportsgirl nail polish more! I caved & bought this sparkly one! The quality of the product is great, one of the best quality polish I own, and it’s only $7.95. I can’t afford to spend $15 per colour, so I’m so happy I found such great polish at that price. The smaller vial is liquid eyeliner, on sale for $2.70! The blue sparkles its sitting on is the cardigan I’ve had on layby the last few weeks from Rockmans!

I made the journey to get the dogs registered on Thursday. I’m terrible at going out by myself, but after looking up directions, I realised the local council wasn’t too far away from the local shopping center. $20 later & now my babies are registered in this council area.

The weather is starting to really heat up. It’s been sunny day after sunny day, here in Adelaide. Frodo has been enjoying the 30°c (86 ºF) by doing a little sun baking! Obviously it’s very tiring work!