• Everyday

    Holiday Pics – Greenwell Point

    I spent 10 days at my parents caravan at Greenwell point, it’s about a 3 hours drive from where I currently live, but it’s so worth it. The area has a mix of so many beautiful things, the water, paddocks filled with animals, walking tracks & beautiful gardens. Sure, any ‘good’ shopping is half an hour away, and if you want McDonalds you better own a car. But you really don’t need Maccas when you have Pelican Rocks Resturant, they make THE most amazing Chicken Caesar Salad. I almost called this post ‘How many pictures of pelicans can you put in one post?’. It’s true, I love taking photos of animals, and…

  • Outfits

    New Year, New Outfit!

    Sorry for the brief disappearance, I took a well needed break away from everyday life. It’s amazing how reliant I’ve become on the internet. The first day with hardly any reception left me feeling rather anxious. After 10 days, I came home & wish I hadn’t. Real life, pfft, why can’t I hang by the lake, or the beach or stroll beautiful gardens all the time? Maybe i’ll have to look into moving! I hope you all had an amazing New Years, I spent NYE with one of my best friends from High School, having a few drinks & watching fire works. It was rather pleasant. At Greenwell Point one of the things…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Greenwell Point = Pretty!

    My parents love to travel. Over the years they have owned caravans & motor homes. Now that they are getting older, they decided to invest in a holiday caravan. An onsite permanent caravan that they can just duck away to whenever they wish. After searching for the perfect place, they finally decided on Greenwell Point. It’s about a 3 hour drive down the coast from where we live. I’d yet to go visit, so this weekend I took the opportunity to go down and stay the night. I of course took Mr Frodo along for the ride, so it was a full car with myself, Frodo, my parents and their dog Emily. It’s…