• Fashion,  Outfits

    Outfit – Beth Ditto Polka Dots

    It’s been an age since I’ve worn this dress, we’re talking years! I find I have items in my wardrobe that I just adore, but don’t tend to reach for. I think this one mainly comes down to the crinkles and the neckline. It crinkles rather easily and I don’t iron. I also prefer lower necklines. But it wasn’t nearly as claustrophobic as I remembered. I wore this out yesterday to Yum Cha with family and seeing as I was getting a ride, I didn’t have to dress in 3000 layers to battle Melbournes cold. YAY. Of course, I am wearing stockings and a singlet underneath, but I was warm…

  • Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Second Hand

    I had to really think this week, cause I don’t own many 2nd hand items of clothing. I knew I had a few pairs of shoes and some jewellery passed down from family, but clothing, nope. That was until I remembered my Beth Ditto for Evans Domino Dress! This dress was love at first sight for me, but I didn’t have the money to buy when it came out, and it sold out pretty quickly. However, a year or two later, Definatalie sold hers. I snapped it up ASAP. It fit me perfectly at the time, but now I’ve lost a little weight it’s a bit big. I often wear…

  • Everyday,  Outfits

    OOTW – Polka dots & Petticoats!

    So, the secret is out. Some days I love an outfit so much, i’ll wear it two days in a row. Shock, horror! I know right. Anyway. My nephew came and spent the weekend with us, as you can tell from the photos (most, which he took), we have a totally fun and crazy time together. I’ve never really known what it’s like NOT to be an Auntie. I’m an Auntie 7 times, and a great-Aunt 3 times. Yes, my eldestĀ nieceĀ has 3 kids of her own. (My family can be a little confusing!) Saturday, my Mum, Caleb and I headed off to The Blacktown Festival. It’s been many many years…