
Lustlist – Valentines Edition

With Valentines around the corner, I thought i’d theme my Lustlist for the occasion. While I do love flowers, I do prefer things that last. These doesn’t mean you have to spend $300, I’m one of those people who are even thankful for a card on any occasion. That being said, I know I am superficial and I do love pretty, shiny things.


  • ASOS| Shoes! I will use any excuse to get new shoes!
  • Vision Direct| Super expensive yes, but the ultimate present. I’ve only been in love with them for over a year now!
  • Zatchels – | I love Zatchels, I really wanted the limited edition ‘Wheres wally’ one, but this heart one is very cute.
  • Bradford Collection| Peter Pan is one of my favourite stories, it means so many things to me. Yes, jeweler y can be a bit too fancy or personal, but it’s something one can treasure forever.
  • Typo| Any card. I don’t believe they have to be gooey, sentimental, lovely card, sure they are nice, but I’m also a fan of cute, humorous one. I love most of
  • Think Geek – | This is out of stock now, sorry. If shipping to OZ wasn’t so expencive at ThinkGeek, I would have bought this for myself. It is the most amazing of amazing!
  • Swarovski| So, swarovski is pretty, shiny and just, a gorgeous keepsake. This is one of my favourites that’s ‘reasonably’ prices (for swarovski), plus is has the extra meaning. This cats name is Katie, which is the name of my niece who passed away.
  • Hips & Curves – Lace up back underwear – $39.95 | I LOVE lingerie, I have too much lingerie that doesn’t get used much anymore, but I find it can really boost your confidence when wearing it for yourself. Of course, if you’re in a relationship, it’s a bit of a win-win! I could spend so much money on the Hips & Curves site!