Fashion,  Outfits

Aussie Curves – Yellow

aussiecurves-yellow-01Yay! Sneaking in with this weeks Aussie Curves theme of YELLOW! I have a few yellow items in my wardrobe, but settled on my peplum top as I wanted to show off the amazing pencil skirt I bought for $5! Yes, $5! Thank you Kmart!


Still recovering from my Melbourne cold, as you can see. Damn break outs and sore noses! I probably should have worn my hair out, but it was a hot & humid day. The pink colour has pretty much washed out of my hair, but the orange & yellow streaks have stuck pretty well.aussiecurves-yellow-02

The skirt is from the straight sized section of Kmart, in a size 18, but it is super stretchy, and also super comfortable! It does give off a very VBO, but when worn like this, you can’t even notice. $5! I am a sucker for a bargain!


Top – City Chic | Skirt – Kmart | Belt – ASOS | Necklace – Sportsgirl | Shoes – Williamsaussiecurves-yellow-03

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