• Everyday

    Melbourne Zoo – Part Two

    Apart from the Elephants, the Butterfly house was my favourite part of the zoo (don’t make me choose between them!). I could have stayed in there for hours! Having them fly around and land on you was magical, though it took a while to get used to the sensation of something touching your hair. Hundreds, maybe thousands(?) of butterflies from small to large, in a rainbow of colours are housed here. Oh, and as it was a cold 12ish degrees outside, the Butterfly House is heated to 28 degrees, so it was a nice place to sit down and warm up! Lucky butterflies! The Lemurs are sooooo cute! You enter Lemur…

  • Everyday

    Melbourne Zoo – The Elephants!

    The elephant area was UH-MAY-ZING! I don’t remember the last time I had the chance to see an elephant, and the fact that they currently have a baby elephant is even more special. Man Jai, who is now just over 6 months old is utterly hilarious. I had no idea baby elephants were so derpy, but he had everyone in fits of giggles! From running around silly, face planting in the dirt to playing in the water, he wasn’t a shy elephant!  When we arrived one of the larger elephants was fully submerged in the 4.5m deep pool, you could not see a single inch before she popped back above…

  • Everyday

    Melbourne Zoo – Part One

    Ever since I started spending more time in Melbourne, visiting the zoo has been at the top of the list. I love animals, and I love visiting Zoos and Wildlife Parks. The last time I went to Melbourne Zoo, I would have been around 12, and the only thing I remember is seeing a Gorilla. The above are Peccaries, and I can’t remember seeing them before! They are the first animal I was greeted too when entering the Zoo through the entrance near the train track. They were all kinds of adorable and when I came home to look up more info on them, I wasn’t surprised they are related to…

  • Everyday

    Shoalhaven Zoo

    Being such an animal lover, if there is an animal park, sanctuary or zoo around, I have to go. I’d been looking forward to going to Shoalhaven Zoo (Previously Nowra Wildlife Park) since my Brother took my niece and nephew last year. As we had my other nephew with us away, we decided it’d be a great time to go check it out, and honestly, I’m super happy we did. Caleb had said a few days previously at the Easter Show that he had ‘The Best Day Ever’. I think the time at Shoalhaven Zoo was a close 2nd for him. When we arrived, the Koala talk was about to start, so…

  • Everyday

    Zoo Week – Meerkats & Giraffes!

    In the description for the Hippo encounter, it says you get to meet some other animals. I honestly didn’t pay it much mind because I was just so super excited to meet the hippos, but I was very happy to find out we’d get to feed the meerkats and giraffes! We got to feed the male group that is situated in front of the giraffe exhibit. It was a family group of 10, I believe it was the father and his sons. It was an odd experience reaching into a plastic chinese container and grabbing a handful of live worms and scattering them in to the enclosure. Then we made our way to…