• Event,  Everyday,  Plus Positivity

    Meeting Tess Munster!

    Last Thursday, the gorgeous Tess Munster held a ‘meet & greet’ in Melbourne. Being a ‘fan’ of Tess’s for ages now, I thought I’d try and get to the event, and luckily a fellow member of Aussie Curves was nice enough to pick me up & drop me home! I’m still getting used to Melbourne, and it was an area I had no idea how to get to. The event started at 5pm & Stacey and I arrived around 7pm. This photo was taken shortly after we arrived, can you spot me? Thats me standing about a cm away from the right of the bar. I didn’t realise my hair…

  • Fashion,  Outfits

    Aussie Curves – Leather

    First up, I am so sorry for the quality of these pictures. While my backdrops aren’t usually the best, I at least try and produce quality images for my blog. As it is, I don’t own a good camera, I usually borrow my Mothers digital SLR, but as I’m in Melbourne, i’m stuck with my phone. A good camera is on my wishlist, but the majority of my funds right now are going towards moving here. So unless I find a free camera or a photographer, the image quality will be on and off until I get back to Sydney. (Who knows what I will do when I move here!)…

  • Everyday,  Fashion,  Personal,  Plus Positivity

    Fat Talk! Plus size fashion promotes obesity? Whatever!

    Hi! I’m Natalie and I am obese. I am fat. I am also female. Gemini. A Daughter, Sister, Auntie. I am human. I am pretty healthy. A lot healthier then a lot of people. I am human & I deserve fashion. I have the same right as any other woman, be it a size 4, 12, 32, to have clothes that are made well and are fashionable. Gorgeous plus size ladies at the Gisela Ramirez Encore performance. The Australian‘s fashion editor, Damian Woolnough wrote on Wedneday The models were gorgeous, the clothes were unremarkable and the message about health was dangerous. Professional models, including plus-size pin-up Robyn Lawley, strutted and…