• Outfits

    Outfit – The day we found our house!

    These photos were taken on September 19th 2021. I have a pretty crappy memory, but this was a day to remember. If you read my 2021 round-up post, you’d know that my partner and I bought a house. We were worried because many real estates had said that the market was crazy and very competitive. Many people had been trying to buy for months unsuccessfully. We were kind of on a time crunch and I think this was the 3rd or 4th time going out to look at houses. When we pulled up outside the house and went to look at it, the estate agent at the door complimented my…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Happy New Year! Life Update!

    So, no surprise, but I’ve neglected this here little portion of the interweb. I honestly feel blogging is dead and no one really reads these things anymore. Then again, part of me wants to get back into it, if just for me. Find the joy in creating and writing again. Firstly though, I thought i’d do a bit of a life update. My life has changed so much in the past year. Obviously, from my previous post, you know about the major loss of my Sister and Mother. The Move For those who don’t know, I made the move from Melbourne to Queensland over a year ago now. Nothing was…