• Everyday

    I’m Moving! Have some house Inspiration!

    So, I’m moving! I’m both excited and anxious. I hate moving, but I love fresh starts. My new place is close by, in fact, it’s pretty much walking distance, so I already know the area and won’t be getting lost. While I do love my current place the wardrobe space was crazy, and I was wanting a place that I could get a 12 month lease. The new place has lots of wardrobe space, actually one of the rooms has a walk in wardrobe and en-suite! 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 It’s going to be interesting though, the house has carpet, which I haven’t had in…

  • Everyday

    #thedarlingden – Kitchenette Inspiration

    So, hopefully like you, i’ve been browsing the Bunnings site, trying to decide what items I’d need for the make over of my kitchenette area. Above is my dream kitchen, well, dream kitchen if I had a cleaner, all that white would forever be needing to be cleaned, but it’s so pretty. It did give me the idea of putting storage on the back of the island that will come out. Maybe book shelves facing out to what would be my lounge room. I have to admit though, after my last trip, i’ve been day dreaming of this hammock. Do you think a hammock could pass as a lounge? No,…

  • Everyday

    From unpleasant to pleasant (A Giveaway)

    Moving into #thedarlingden, I knew I had to do a few things to make it ‘home’. The most major of these things is the kitchen. It’s not a HUGE project, but it’s big enough we have to enlist help from some people. The bench will be moved back and extended to fit a bar fridge and freezer, a few more cabinets will be added, and of course, flooring. At the moment, my kitchenette is carpeted. Now, I’m not a bad cook, but I am a little clumsy, carpet in an area I am cooking in, just won’t work. Thanks to Bunnings, I have $150 voucher to help towards doing up…

  • Everyday

    Into #thedarlingden

    Last week was the final move into the new place. I can understand why they say that moving is one of the most stressful times. I’ve been a mess of emotions. Our internet is taking longer to set up, thanks to poor service from Telstra. We rang up 10 days in advance as my Father and I both need the internet, and were assured it would be ready to go by the time we moved in. Except, they forgot to put through the order for the modem. So, fingers crossed we shall have it by weeks end. We had to go out and buy a wifi dongle. My place is…

  • Everyday

    The Darling Den, an update!

    We’ve started painting! YES! My sister and I headed out to Bunnings in search of white paint, so I could paint the wall behind where I was putting my wall units. Who knew that so many different shades of white existed!? I was waiting at the paint counter to get my paint tinted to the colour I wanted, only to be told that the colour I had picked was the base colour and I didn’t need anything done to my tin. Whoops. I’ve learnt i’m not really a painter. I had no idea what I was doing. So, I put my sister to work! She has a steady hand and…