• Personal,  Travel

    Take me back to Aitutaki!

     With all the stress at the moment, my mind keeps drifting back to Aitutaki. Whilst packing, or on hold to a real estate agent, I’ll think of how peaceful and relaxing it was to just float in waters so blue, to see fish swim around you, to laze under the shade of trees. I need to win the lottery so once I move to Melbourne, I can go on a holiday! *wishful thinking* I’m NOT a beach person. I remember thinking at one point before I left “Why am I going to an island in the middle of nowhere? “. I do love to swim, I love animals, I love trees…

  • Everyday,  Personal,  Travel

    Aitutaki – Stop! It’s photo time!

    I have over 1000 photos in my Aitutaki folder, that’s not even ALL of them. Between my sister, her fiance and myself, we took a lot. I thought I’d go through and pick a few more to share with you. I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I was there. I also can’t believe how much I actually miss it. With a super sized carving of Tangaroa |  Full moon at where we stayed. | Always a tree hugger. Caleb & I playing in the lagoon. Caleb and I relaxing on Rapota | Yummy drinks | On the first day This fashion was somewhat crazy. The night before I was attacked by…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Aitutaki – Hermit Crabs and Hospitals!

    One thing Aitutaki had was an abundance of wildlife, one of my favourites were the hermit crabs. I’ve been a lover of hermit crabs for ages, and I used to have a huge tank with a dozen of them, all named after Harry Potter characters. I was so excited to see them in the wild, in their natural environment, and by golly there were seriously thousands! All shapes and sizes! When my nephew pointed out this little guy to me, I made all those cooing noises you make at a cute baby. LOOK AT HIM! He is SO tiny! Look at his little eyes! (Please excuse my horrid, horrid nail polish) See,…

  • Everyday,  Travel

    Aitutaki – I came, I saw, I paddle boarded. Kinda.

    On holidays, I learnt that I must not be of any relation to Jesus, because even standing on a board, on top of water, scared me! I don’t know how he managed to WALK on it. The resort we stayed at had paddle boards for guests to use. The first day I told myself, “I am going to stand on one of those before this holiday is through”. I watched my sister and her fiance do it, I watched my nephew adapt to it with great skill, so about mid holiday, I decided to give it a go myself. I can sit on it no problems, but golly when it…

  • Travel

    Aitutaki – The Vaka Cruise – Part Two

    After snorkeling, and island adventure, and then lunch, our final stop for the last few hours was One Foot Island. The day had started out somewhat overcast, but by then the sun had come out to showcase some of the amazing colours the lagoon water can go. We walked around the perimeter of the island first, watching it go from white sand to rocky shores. With my nephew & sister. Honestly, you’d look up and see your surroundings and kind of feel like you need to pinch yourself. It was really just that beautiful. The green of the palm trees, the sand, which is actually mostly crushed coral, hence the…