• Personal

    Thoughts, mottos, musings.

    As i’ve mentioned 2013 is my year, i’ve been trying to put into action some new things, and keeping up some old ways of thinking that have helped me out in the past year, so I thought i’d take a moment to share. Now, I’m no expert, frankly, i’m pretty effed up in the head, these aren’t proven techniques, but just think about them. SURROUND YOURSELF IN HAPPINESS. It sounds cheesy, I know, but it’s one thing I’ve been trying to do lately and it helps. If something isn’t making you happy, don’t do it. If someone is bring you down, you don’t need them. Sure, every situation is different,…

  • Personal

    Looking forward to the future.

    After ending my (nearly) 6 year relationship in 2011, I decided I really needed to take some time to “get to know myself” again. I realised  in those years how much I had changed and how different my priorities had changed to ones that suited Adam. I was 25 at the time and not knowing what I wanted from life. I’ve spent a lot of 2012 soul searching, envisioning, dreaming, working on my mental health, working on my life. It’s been an odd year, it’s been emotional and hard at times, part of figuring out what you want in life means looking at yourself, exposing yourself and really facing up to your…