Life, or something like it.
Life, it’s pretty crazy at the moment, right? Covid-19 has changed everyone’s lives. I’m lucky that it hasn’t affected my life as much as many others. My disability means i’m home most of the time, I’ve had to cancel a few trips, but otherwise, life is almost the same. I miss my parents, I wish I could go visit them. I miss my family, a few close family members are ill and I just wish I could hug them. Being so far away from family has been hard. When M passed, I chose not to move back to Sydney. I couldn’t lose everything at once, but now I wonder if maybe I should have. But hey, you can’t turn back time.

I went on the crazy rollercoaster ride that is Tiger King. It was, yeah. Crazy! Just when you think things couldn’t get weirder, they do. I’m now in the process of watching Hemlock Grove, a 3 season series that started in 2013. It’s a vampire/werewolf show that’s pretty gory, but I’m enjoying it. As for movies, i’m watching Birds of Prey over and over! JackSepticeye has been added to my YouTube watch list recently, he’s always good for a laugh.

I’ve been able to get back into reading this year thankfully. My goal is to read 52 books. I’m up to 28. I recently re-read my favourite series, A Court of Thorns and Roses. I’m currently re-reading the Mercy Thompson series as there are 2-3 books i’ve yet to read and I wanted to refresh my brain before I read them!

I put together a spotify playlist of songs that remind me of my school years, so I’ve been listening to that a lot. You can find it here. I’ve also been listening to the new Fiona Apple album “Fetch the bolt cutters“, its a hell of a ride, but I really enjoy it!
If you’re a lover of podcasts, I rec you go and listen to Josie & the Podcats (APPLE – SPOTIFY)
Makeup fun!
Lashes: Sportsgirl
Earrings: Raffish Studio
Earrings: Pop Jewels
I’m loving how my hair is fading. Rach really is a hair wizard! If you want to see more pictures from these looks head over to my instagram.
What have you been up to?