• Event,  Travel

    Fun at Australia Zoo #xlinQLD

    My choice of things to do when in Queensland was, of course, Australia Zoo. If there is a place I can go and see animals, I’ll be there. When I was young I was a HUGE fan of Steve Irwin and I think that is partially why I just love and adore all animals.  My Mum surprised me with a Private Guided Tour, which was amazing! Firstly, my Dad is unwell, so having a golf cart thingy really helped. The Zoo is situated over 100 acres! Secondly, our guide Sandi was amazing and knew all the places to be! The Cheetahs aren’t on display but are available for an animal…

  • Event,  Travel

    My day at Sea World Australia #xlinqld

    If you follow me on social media you’d know that I recently took a trip to Surfers Paradise (Queensland) for a week away with family. There has been a lot going on in my life at the moment especially when it comes to my family. My Mum organised for herself, my Dad, my sister and I, to have a week away, spend some time bonding and creating memories. We all got to pick a ‘thing’ we wanted to do and my sister Larnies choice was Sea World. Larnie had never actually seen a dolphin before! Mind blown! She was lucky and got to have her photo taken with a dolphin!…