• Outfits

    OOTD – Port Adelaide

    Another one of those hot Adelaide days! I burn easily, so I always try to cover up my shoulders as that is my most troublesome area. I wish I had a picture of the back of this top though, because it has a really great cut out. Don’t worry, I’m pretty obsessive about my sunscreen! One of the abandoned buildings in Port Adelaide. I’ve been trying to blog just some of my ‘everyday’ outfits, I don’t get overly dressed up just to pop down the shops or go exploring. Some days, it’s more about comfort. Going to Adelaide for a fortnight, with just carry on was pretty hard for me.…

  • Outfits

    OOTD – Mausoleum Wear?

    While I didn’t expect to end up at a Mausoleum, I guess it was fitting that I was wearing black! I LOVE this City Chic Ice Skater dress. LOVE. You can’t see it too well in these pictures, but I have an epic bruise on my knee from falling over at a shopping center. The worse thing is, it’s hurt my back even more! So after the walk up the steep hill, my back wasn’t really my friend, thankfully the steps worked well as seats! Pretty much been living in clunky comfort shoes. It’s so hard to find really nice, trendy or pretty comfort shoes. Do you have any recommendations? DRESS…

  • Outfits

    OOTD – Largs Bay Brights

    The weather in Adelaide has been HOT. When I moved to Adelaide, it was during a heatwave, 15 consecutive days over 35°c (95 °F).  While the weather has not been that bad, it’s certainly felt warm compared to the summer Sydney has been having. So, after Adam finished work today, we went out for a drive to Largs Bay to get some fish & chips for dinner. Adelaide has a lot of gorgeous beaches and Largs Bay is one of my favourites. The long jetty is amazing, though I’m slightly scared of it and never made it all the way to the end. I’m enjoying my time here in Adelaide so far. Yesterday…