• Everyday,  Hair & Beauty

    24 hour blonde!

    Since deciding on growing my hair longer, I’ve been a good girl in regards to bleach. I used to change colours often & would bleach the previous colour out. My hair ended up just saying ‘NO’. Now, I generally just do my regrowth. Every few months though, I give the rest of the hair a light run through. I let the colour fade out and lighten it. This results in me being blonde, usually only for 24 hours at the most. Honestly, I think I look horrid as a blonde! Oh, did I mention I got a hair cut? My Mum didn’t think it was too noticeable, but I got around…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    Earrings & Necklace I picked up at the Diva sale! Henry-cat has been playing Frontierville on Facebook! Adam decided last week that he wanted to make a baked cheesecake. He’s been learning to make things & enjoys cooking on the weekends. Neither of us had ever made a cheesecake before, but he needed me on hand to teach him some of the things. The end result = yum! We took it to the in laws & everyone loved it. For our first attempt, I was very proud of it! Webcam shots – The Diva earrings & necklace on & my nails.

  • Event,  Everyday

    Quick Pics & Amanda Palmer!

    The Evelyn Evelyn & Amanda Palmer concert was AH-MAZING! So so so good! It was held at The Spiegeltent at Adelaide Fringe. This is the first time i’ve gone to the Fringe and it was so much fun! It was like a little fair! Tents with all different performances, food stalls, rides, quaint little stores selling jewellery and henna tattoos! I had a great time!  Evelyn Evelyn were fantastic! Words cannot describe how amazing they are to see live! Certainly would have taken a lot of practice to play instruments like that! I could have watched for another hour! Amanda didn’t disappoint either! The show was only for an hour,…

  • Everyday

    Quick Pics!

    This week started out on a great note, but has slowly declined. I had a wonderful Tuesday in which I met the amazing Bec (TrashyTeacake!). We had lunch and shopped for fatty clothes! When I got home I had to quickly change and head off to a bbq to celebrate one of Adam’s nieces birthday! I managed to catch the interest of a year old rottweiler who decided I was in heat. Lordy those dogs are STRONG!! Henry seemed to think this was a really comfortable place & position to sleep in! I woke him by taking the photo. Of course, having the icky low immune system I have, I…

  • Everyday,  Personal

    Quick pics & some ramblings!

    I’m working on 4 hours sleep in the last 40 odd hours. I’m hoping i’ll sleep soon but I’m so wound up & stressed that I can’t seem to relax. If all else fails, i’ll pull Adam’s bean bag out into the garden tomorrow and nap in the open air (under shade of course, I burn with in minutes!). I cried so much today, it’s a mixture of things. I’m stressed about one of the design jobs I’m doing, I’m stressed about money. I’m depressed & frustrated about my mental illness, which is somewhat amusing. I want to study, but I need a steady job to pay for the studies, but…