OOTN – Dinner out!
Tonight my parents and I went out to dinner so I asked my Mum to take a few snaps of me before we left for an outfit post. I ordered a remote for her digital SLR last week, so expect some review & outfit posts coming up! Everything in this outfit, apart from the stockings have been gifted to me! The lovely Caitlin of Closet Confessions gave me this dress & I am so so so in love with it! It’s so comfortable & it has pockets!! My Mum gave me this jacket as she bought it a size too large. Lucky for me, it fits perfectly! I’ve scored a…
First Sydney OOTD!
Yep, after being rescheduled a few times due to the ash cloud, I finally arrived in Sydney on Wednesday! God, it’s good to be home! This is my first OOTD from my new life in Sydney. I haven’t put on make up since I’ve been here, nor have I blow dried or straightened my hair, so yes, this is me all natural! You will have to bare with me as I try and find a good OOTD spot to take photos & get used to using my Mum’s cameras. (She has a small point&shoot, as well as a Nikon D90 Digital SLR *purrs*) Today was spent with…
Outfit of the day – Funeral
I wasn’t sure about doing an ‘Outfit of the funeral’ post, but I thought ‘stuff it’ and did one. No need to worry about any funeral photo’s or that. I didn’t even take my camera, that would be a little strange. First off, the funeral was lovely. I’ve never been to a funeral before & I always used to say that I never planned to go to a funeral, except my own & that’s only because I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t not to Grandmama’s though. It was sad, I cried. I was so thankful that one of my best friends came and held my hand. It was great…